A gift.

Batik from India

Monday, June 18, 2012

Stained glass window afghan

Materials: Red Heart Super Saver Medium number 4 yarn in color (A) Bikini; and (B) black. Size G crochet hook, or a hook to obtain gauge.

Gauge: Rounds 1-3 = 2 1/2 inches across.

Square is made up of four small squares the a frame is added.
Beginning ch-3 counts as a dc.
Leave at least 4-inch tails to weave into work.
Crochet over beginning tail on first round, but do not draw ring closed until after round 2 is complete.
To make hiding the ends less tedious, draw in the tails after each color is finished. (with the exception of the beginning tail)

Special stitch: To make long sc (Lsc), insert hook in stitch below the ch sp. draw up a loop even with sts of this row. yo draw through 2 lps.

Centers (make four for one six-inch square)
With color A, ch 4. sl st to form ring.

Round 1: Working over beginning tail and through ring, ch 3 (counts as 1 dc), dc, (ch 3, 2 dc) 3 times. Ch 3, sl st in top of beg ch-3. end off A.

Round 2: Join B with a sc in first dc. Sc in next dc, *  working over ch-3 sp and into center ring, (tr, ch 3, tr). corner made. Sc in next 2 dc. Repeat from * twice more, make one more corner. sl st in beg sc.

Round 3: ch 1, sc in same sc, sc in next sc, sc in next tr. * (sc, ch 3, sc) in next ch-3 sp. Sc in tr, sc in next 2 sc, sc in tr. Repeat from * around, ending with sc in tr, sl st in beg sc. Break off B. (Right side is facing)

Holding small squares right sides together, using B whip stitch through both layers and under both top threads of the sc's bordering the square on one side. DO NOT stitch through the corner chain stitches. arrange like a  4-patch quilt square. (see photo as a guide)

Round 1: Join A in any corner ch-3 space, ch 2, 4 hdc in ch-3 sp. ** ch 1, sk 1 sc, hdc in next 4 sc, ch 1, sk 1 sc,* (3 hdc, 1 dc) in next ch-3 sp. (Dc, 3 hdc) in next ch-3 sp. repeat from ** to *. make 5 hdc in corner ch-3 sp. Repeat from ** around square. sl st in top of beg ch-2. Break off A.

Round 2: Join B in center hdc of corner. Ch 1, (sc, ch 2, sc) in same st as joining. Sc in next 2 hdc, ** Lsc around ch-1 and into skipped sc below. Sc in next 4 hdc, lsc
around ch-1 and into next skipped sc below, * sc in next 3 hdc, sk next dc, sc in sp between dc's, sk next dc, sc in next 3 hdc, repeat from ** to *. Sc in 2 hdc, (sc, ch 2, sc) in next hdc, sc in next 2 hdc. Repeat from ** around square. Break off B. Draw in remaining tails.
Pattern copyright 2008 Elizabeth Ham, all rights reserved.
Terms of use: I retain copyrights to all my patterns. You may do whatever you like
with the finished item. However, you may not sell or redistribute my patterns. Do
not claim the patterns as your own. Do not post them on a website or in emails. You may post a link to this pattern.


  1. Hi Peggy,I just read your profile. Seems to me you are terrific at heaps of stuff. If you can crochet like this I reckon that's pretty good.
    Thank you for your visit and lovely comments. I love your way with words. We are definitely the same in many things. I am now a follower. It's nice to meet a like minded soul. Happy blogging. xxoo

  2. Hi Peggy, thank you for visiting my! I love to crochet, too. I'm your newest follower :)
