A gift.

Batik from India

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Crochetec slippers

Crocheted Soccasins by Megan Mills
Experience Level: Experienced or Adventurous
Size: Approximately 14 cm long and 11cm tall with the sock folded down as illustrated.
2 x 50g balls of brown double knitting wool
1 x 50g ball of cream 4-ply baby wool
3.5mm crochet hook (or size to acquire gauge)
3mm crochet hook (or size to acquire gauge)
Wool needle to tidy away ends
Gauge on Foot section
From the top of one ridge to the top of the 3rd ridge above it (measuring 4 ridge lines) is 2.2cm.
10 stitches is 4.5cm
Gauge on Sock section
Unstretched 5 rows (which will look like three lines of Vs) is 1cm. 10 stitches is 3.5cm.

cgclose the gap - see Notes below
dcdouble crochet (US single crochet)
decdecrease = (insert hook in next st and draw through a loop) x 2, yoh, draw through all loops on hook.
jdcjoining double crochet (US single crochet) - see Notes below.
ssslip stitch
sjspecial join - see Notes below
yohyarn over hook

Special Notes
Check at the end of each round that you have the right number of stitches.
Work into the back loops of all stitches and chains unless instructed otherwise.
Always turn clockwise as viewed from looking down on your work.
The back ridge is the line of bumps on the back of a chain, as opposed to the smooth chain on the front.
When you have turned and started a new round do not skip the first dc, work into it.
The foot is worked in rounds but you turn after joining each round using a Special Join:
This manoeuvre takes a lot of words to describe but is quick to do. It moves the working yarn from one side of the work to the other. When you turn and work you will get a much tidier result than the usual method.
1. Insert hook under both loops of first dc of the round and pull through a loop.
2. Withdraw hook from that loop.
3. Leaving a little of the working yarn loose in the back bring working yarn under hook between the dropped loop and the loop on the hook.
4. Reinsert the hook in the dropped loop and pull that loop through the other loop on the hook.
5. Holding the loose working yarn at the back firmly pull up the modified slip stitch you have just done very firmly so it is tiny.
6. Pull on the loose yarn at the back to firm up the loop on the hook.
7. Pull on the working yarn at the front to pull all the loose yarn through.
A video demonstration of this special join is available here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5gkHQ22M4M
or if you are viewing this pattern online then the video is embedded below:

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