Chain 2.
1st Row - Make 6 sc in 1st ch.
2nd Row - Working round and round using both loops at top of stitch, make 1 sc in 1st sc, * 2 sc in next sc, 1 sc in next sc. Repeat from * around row.
3rd Row - Make 2 sc in every 3rd stitch.
4th Row - Make 2 sc in every 4th stitch.
Continue this way making 1 sc more between the widenings in each successive row until bottom of basket measures 1 3/8 inches or is size desired.
Next Row - Ch 4, 1 dc in last sc, * skip 1 sc, make a group of (1dc, ch 1, 1 dc) in next sc. Repeat from * around row, join in 3rd ch.
Next Row - Ch 4, 1 dc in 1st space, * make a group in next group. Repeat from * around row, join in 3rd ch.
Repeat this row 7 times (or until basket is as deep as desired) making 2 ch in groups in last row, join.
Finish edge by making 1 sc and 5 dc in each group.
In the last row of bottom of basket, in each sc which was skipped make 3 dc, join.
Using both loops at top of stitch, make 1 sc in each dc, join. Break.
To make the handle fasten thread between 2 shells on edge, ch 3, 2 dc in same place, * ch 3, turn, 2 dc around 3 ch of preceding row. Repeat from * until handle is length desired, fasten it to opposite side of basket.
1st Row - Make 6 sc in 1st ch.
2nd Row - Working round and round using both loops at top of stitch, make 1 sc in 1st sc, * 2 sc in next sc, 1 sc in next sc. Repeat from * around row.
3rd Row - Make 2 sc in every 3rd stitch.
4th Row - Make 2 sc in every 4th stitch.
Continue this way making 1 sc more between the widenings in each successive row until bottom of basket measures 1 3/8 inches or is size desired.
Next Row - Ch 4, 1 dc in last sc, * skip 1 sc, make a group of (1dc, ch 1, 1 dc) in next sc. Repeat from * around row, join in 3rd ch.
Next Row - Ch 4, 1 dc in 1st space, * make a group in next group. Repeat from * around row, join in 3rd ch.
Repeat this row 7 times (or until basket is as deep as desired) making 2 ch in groups in last row, join.
Finish edge by making 1 sc and 5 dc in each group.
In the last row of bottom of basket, in each sc which was skipped make 3 dc, join.
Using both loops at top of stitch, make 1 sc in each dc, join. Break.
To make the handle fasten thread between 2 shells on edge, ch 3, 2 dc in same place, * ch 3, turn, 2 dc around 3 ch of preceding row. Repeat from * until handle is length desired, fasten it to opposite side of basket.
Embroider a flower on each side of basket just below handle.
1 spoonful of sugar to 2 spoonfuls of water to stiffen.
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